Abstract art – non-objective painting

Abstrakte Kunst Bilder Galerie: junge & dynamische Malerei & Auftragsmalerei seit 25 Jahren

Abstract oil painting on canvas colorful mood with blue and red

Abstract art has been one of the most important styles since the beginning of the last century. It has extensively shaped the concept of art. In abstract art, artists move away from naturalism and paint your paintings non-objective, that is, abstract. Abstract art is thus also called non-objective art.

It breaks away from the reproduction in your representational and describes a spiritual – visionary world under the combination of colors and shapes and the analysis of your means.

Whether people or objects – everything is represented only in implied & non-representational form. The further development of photography enabled a completely new depiction of the real world and made representational painting almost obsolete.

Around 1900, artists began to implement abstract motifs, detached from the representationalism that had prevailed until then. Inspired by metaphysical, new musical & scientific currents. Classical protagonists of this time such as Kandinsky, Delaunay, Marc or Macke dealt with a new painterly reality. The representation of spiritual inner worlds, feelings, emotions, creativity is now the focus of the creative process.

Modern abstract art is distinguished by the absolute abstraction of the visible world on color and light impressions, originated in expressionism and non-objective art, originated in cubism to construct paintings geometrically.

Making the immaterial visible

abstrakte kunstwerke auf leinwandIn all eras, artists were in search of your own style, a new way of expression, to break away from existing subjects and find new interpretations of perception. From the 20th century through achievements of science, architecture, psychoanalysis, fashion and politics a new openness to see the world emerged.

Whereas in earlier periods of art history painting tended to depict people, landscapes and arrangements in a naturalistic way, now artists made the imaginary, thoughts and feelings visible. The artist now almost abandons the structures of reality in the creation of new abstract paintings and sometimes provides only a few clues to its origin.


Abstract art as the basis of new trends

Abstract painting has been one of the most popular styles since the beginning of the last century. It has completely changed the concept and approach to art itself. In abstract art, artists move away from the naturalistic image of nature and compose your paintings non-representational or in an implied form. Abstract art is also called non-objective art.

The composition and arrangement of colors and the basic structure by means of geometric surfaces, lines and figures were from now on the central point of painting.  With new technical achievements of the 20th and 21st century new possibilities of art production developed. Abstract art is a basis of newer art styles such as Pop Art, Conceptual Art, Art – Happening as well as Fluxus, Video – and Digital Art and Installation Art.


Abstrakte Kunst & dynamische Malerei & Auftragsmalerei

The interpretation of abstract art

The viewer of abstract art is encouraged to deal in depth with the image and to question the motifs. To understand the core and the emergence of an abstract painting, the image – viewer can deal with the work of the artist and approach. However, it is up to the viewer, and that is the beauty of abstract art, to interpret the image freely and himself.

However, the concept and approach are rarely presented today. There is usually only an indirect reference to nature and reality. Artists today are often concerned with the representation of inner worlds, which are at the same time charming and versatile.

If you are interested in an abstract painting in oil or acrylic, I can gladly provide you with a deeper discourse on the motif and approach to get a deeper access to my visual world and philosophy.

As an artist, I offer you an exciting selection of abstract works, which invite you as a viewer to free interpretation, discovery and always see something new.

New color and shape arrangements

portraitmalerei abstrakt

One could almost say that abstract art has acquired a new function by becoming a field of experimentation for new color and form arrangements. But how does the artist come to make experiments in the first place? Why can’t he be satisfied with simply sitting down in nature and painting as best he can?

The answer is as follows: Modernist art has lost its orientation precisely because artists have experienced that the seemingly simple demand “paint what you see” has become unattractive.

This may sound paradoxical, but it is quite understandable in view of the fast-moving media and new forms of visual language. Photos, Instagram and television are now enough for a clear naturalism. Rather, it still seems appealing to depict inner values and worlds and actually leave it to the viewer to let the complete picture emerge in the mind.


Abstrakte Kunst Bilder vom Künstler

Contemporary abstract art

Modern art and contemporary art are often confused with each other. In principle, modern art is classified with the styles of impressionism (from 1874) to abstract expressionism (late 1960s). Contemporary art also begins at about this time and continues to this day.

In contemporary exhibitions and art fairs today, mainly abstract painting of the present is shown. At the Venice Biennale and the Dokumenta in Kassel, for example, political and cultural problems are artistically questioned. International galleries present their artists at art fairs around the world.

Are you looking for abstract art?

You have become aware of me as an art lover and are looking for an extraordinary painting?

Abstrakte Kunst Bilder: Einzigartige Kunstwerke

In this online gallery you will find numerous abstract art images. Choose your favorite from different formats and styles and dive into new picture worlds. A handmade frame, bright oil or acrylic colors and varied compositions make each picture a real unique. All paintings can be purchased online and delivered directly ready to hang. You are also welcome to view all paintings in advance & pick them up in person.

As an experienced artist, I can also implement your desired motif as a commissioned painting for you. You are welcome to send me your photo templates, which I then convert into a unique acrylic painting or oil painting.

Before the implementation of the image you will receive one or more free drafts so you can decide in peace. If you are satisfied with the design motif of the desired acrylic paintings and oil paintings I start with the implementation on your painting.


Abstrakte Kunst Bilder Galerie: Einzigartige Kunstwerke vom Künstler • junge & dynamische Malerei & Auftragsmalerei seit 25 Jahren

Constantly new works

Through the continuous implementation of new ideas and images in the studio, I can offer you an always current and regularly growing portfolio of abstract art. Discover in the category NEW my latest pictures & paintings.

Abstract artworks create a creative and inspiring atmosphere and are a source of strength. So that your desire for change becomes a long-term investment, I will be happy to advise you for a suitable painting.

it einem passenden Rahmen.

Bestellen Sie Ihr Leinwandbild bequem online

Ein Acrylbilder online zu kaufen, war noch nie einfacher als mit nikolauskriese.de. Als bekanntester Auftragsmaler Deutschlands biete ich Ihnen eine riesige Auswahl an aussergewöhnlichen Leinwandbilder, welche Sie mit wenigen Klicks online bestellen können. Ob moderne Gemälde 100×70 cm, quadratisch in 80×80 cm oder extra Groß in 300×200 cm, ich habe die passenden Größen für Sie im Angebot.
Stöbern Sie in Ruhe durch meine online Galerie und entdecken Sie das passende Leinwandbild mit Ihrem Lieblingsmotiv – von einem abstrakten Gemälde über die Landschaften bis zum romantischen Frühlingstraum oder minimalistischen Kunstwerk. Möchten Sie einen gelungenen Kontrast zu Ihren farbigen Wände, wählen Sie am besten ein Acrylbild in schlichten Farben.

Leuchtende Acrylbilder

Ein farbenfrohes Leinwandbild kommt auf einer weißen Wand optimal zur Geltung und bringt Kraft in den Raum. Haben Sie sich für ein Acrylbild entschieden, legen Sie es mit einem Klick in Ihren Warenkorb oder lassen es sich von mir individuell als Auftragsmalerei anfertigen.
An der Kasse wählen Sie Ihre bevorzugte Zahlungsart (Kreditkarte, Vorkasse, PayPal, Rechnung). Anschließend male ich Ihr Wunsch Leinwandbild. Sicher verpackt in Luftpolsterfolie und Karton, fertig aufgespannt und bereit zum Aufhängen kommt Ihr neues Leinwandbild in wenigen Werktagen bei Ihnen an.

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