Painting pictures ≫ hand painted paintings in all sizes & styles2021-05-17T17:01:29+02:00

Painting pictures from photo

Demanding picturesque ChallengesScope for design

You as a client can expect with me the highest creative potential & unique paintings. My claim as an artist is to recognize your personal image – desire and realize the individual implementation in a painting.

pictures paint atelier color
pictures painting wall picture artist
pictures painting landscape with frame

My clients value creativity, passion & innovation.

art clients nikolaus kriese
Unlimited possibilities

Achieving great things together

Commissioned painting

Are you looking for a custom painting?

Desire – have picture painted in all sizes & styles using the highest quality materials. Unique paintings, absolutely suitable for a redesign.

Painting reproduction

Hand painted masterpieces for sophisticated rooms.

Let your wish – picture repainted. Focus here too: highest quality materials professionally researched & implemented.

Portrait painting

Immortalize your loved ones in a portrait painting.

Authenticity & detail are crucial in a portrait painting. In just 2 weeks you get a unique & hand painted portrait.

Wall design

Great staging.

A wall design is unique. It takes a lot of experience, spatial imagination & a confident handling of materials. As a theater painter I offer facade design, logos & illusion painting for interior, – & exterior walls.

Acrylic, – and oil paintings

Unique paintings.

Are you looking for a change in your rooms? With these powerful works of art, I will instantly make your walls glow. All paintings are passionately painted unique & represent maximum artistic & aesthetic standards.

Commission painting prices

Unlimited possibilities.

Portrait painting, wall design & artwork. I will help you find the right motif for your life, – and work environment. So that your desire for change becomes a long-term investment, I will gladly advise you for the right motif.

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Buy artworks

Visit me in the studio or order in the online gallery

All pictures can be viewed in the studio in Erfurt within the opening hours. Please contact me in advance so that I can provide the desired images for you: Phone: +49 176-7089 7652, Email:, you are also welcome to use the contact form.

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moderne kunst artist painted picture
Online images gallery

Buying paintings online is a matter of trust, above all also a matter of individual demands on a work of art in terms of aesthetic and artistic aspects.

Visit in the studio

All of my painted pictures, especially the very large-format oil paintings and expressive paintings can be viewed in Erfurt. In a few exceptions, the pictures are in an exhibition where they can also be viewed.

Write me now

Painting pictures

What makes me different ?

Craftsmanship, excellent materials & interdisciplinary knowledge for a worldwide implementation – as well as the unconditional creativity & imagination in all areas of life.

And of course fun and curiosity for each new work of art. What you get out of it?

Pure beauty!

pictures paint artists artwork
picture painting let wall picture expressive

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For collectors, art lovers & investors

Online gallery

In my online picture gallery you will find aesthetically sophisticated works of art, which you can buy or rent online. According to your wishes, I offer private art collectors & companies current paintings, wall objects and commissioned painting. All artworks can be ordered directly online. Secure and convenient payment methods and safe delivery make your art purchase a pleasure.

For companies & investors

Put your company in the focus of your customers with artworks by Nikolaus Kriese and increase your image. With individual paintings you create a representative ambience in your office, your foyer, hotel or law firm. With art flat-rate you receive as an investor continuously artworks every 3, 6 or 12 months NEW and participate from the increase in value of my artworks. I will be happy to advise you personally and create an individual offer for you.

write to me now

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Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und verwandeln Sie Ihre Räume mit unendlichen Gemälde Variationen in ein einzigartiges Zuhause.

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> 10% Rabatt für Neukunden

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* Austragen jederzeit möglich

pictures paint wall picture gallery
Implementation based on your templates
Traditional & modern techniques
Handmade wood – frame
Large formats from 200 cm side length
Nikolaus Kriese

Painting pictures in all sizes & styles

Are you ready for change in your rooms? After an inquiry you will receive a non-binding offer with all previously negotiated details from me. Each painting is sustainably produced by hand & delivered ready to hang.

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Kunden über den künstler nikolaus kriese

Hallo Herr Kriese, das Ölgemälde ist hammermäßig gut angekommen. Der Kunde hatte sich riesig gefreut, war überwältigt und froh….Danke nochmals für die tolle Arbeit!

mehr entdecken

Design your room with new artworks

Before the implementation of the commission painting receive several drafts so you can decide at your leisure whether you like the design. If you are satisfied with the design for the desired image, I start with the implementation on your painting.

bilder malen lassen kuenstler auftragsmalerei

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ART & commission painting

Blog – Projects & News

Modern art vs. contemporary art

2020-09-14|Abstrakte Bilder, abstrakte kunst, Abstrakte Malerei, Abstrakte Ölgemälde und Acrylbilder, Bilder malen lassen, Galerie, Moderne Kunst, Porträtmalerei, Unkategorisiert|

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