Artist Nikolaus Kriese

Art & commission painting

Young and dynamic painting since 1997

Great pictures fastidiously implemented! Welcome to Nikolaus Kriese – your artist for hand-painted commission painting, painting reproductions, original painting and wall design. Each painting is a real unique piece! New technical possibilities give contemporary art a lot of space to express itself. This makes contemporary art so diverse, exciting and remarkable.

With me you can commission your painting. Use the diverse portfolio of implemented paintings of all genres and let you repaint well-known paintings authentic and high quality. For this, simply send me your favorite image as a photo, which I then painterly implement. My claim is to recognize your personal image – desire and realize the individual implementation in a painting.

Art & commission painting: buy artwork directly from artist

The world in paintings

Easily buy art online: is a contemporary online art gallery, which allows you as a client, art collector and art lover to commission paintings, as well as buy outstanding & unique art.

Original artwork, modern murals & abstract paintings. If you love art, then you can order here directly from the artist your favorite – painting online . Individual canvas paintings and sophisticated oil paintings, if desired also with framing.

Craftsmanship, excellent materials & interdisciplinary knowledge for a global implementation – as well as the unconditional creativity & imagination in all areas of life. As an artist I guarantee you the highest color brilliance, sharpness of detail and lightfastness of my pictures and murals.

The right motif for your walls

Painting from the artist

I’ll help you find your next favorite painting.

You want to be advised ? Have a painting made on demand ? As an artist, I will answer your questions & accompany you in your search.

Talk directly with me

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Art and commission painting
art gallery

Buying paintings online is a matter of trust and, above all, a matter of individual aspirations to a work of art in terms of aesthetic and artistic aspects.

visit the studio

All painted acrylic paintings, especially the very large-scale oil paintings and expressive paintings can be viewed in the studio. In a few exceptions, the paintings are in an exhibition, where they can also be viewed.

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