Art and commission painting

Nikolaus Kriese

How to reach me at the studio

Here you can write me a message. Normally I answer all inquiries within a few hours. Should it take a little longer, I’m working on a fantastic new image and still have the brush in hand.

Studio Nikolaus Kriese


Art & commission painting
Weimarische Strasse 29
99099 Erfurt | Germany


monday to friday: 09:00 – 17:00 UTC±0

Inquiries & Tours

Worldwide custom painting & shipping through international shipping partners

Artist studio Nikolaus Kriese

I’ll help you find your next favorite painting.

You want to be advised ? Have a work of art made on request ? As an artist, I will answer your questions & accompany you in the creative process.

Talk directly with me

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atelier künstler farben
online gallery

Buying paintings online is a matter of trust and above all a matter of the individual demand on a work of art in terms of aesthetic and artistic aspects. talk to me.

visit studio

All painted acrylic paintings, especially the very large-scale oil paintings and expressive paintings can be viewed in the studio. In a few exceptions, the paintings are in an exhibition, where they can also be viewed.

write me

Künstler Atelier Nikolaus Kriese
Malerei & Auftragsmalerei

Welcome to my studio!

In this inspiring environment you become a part of my creative world and can experience my unique works up close. The studio is the place where I, as an artist, bring my visions to life and live out my passion for art.

In the studio you can not only admire my artwork, but also learn about my working methods and techniques. You will be amazed at how much work, time and dedication goes into each piece of art.

As a visitor to the studio, you will have the opportunity to gain exclusive insights into the world of the artist. You can talk to me as an artist, ask questions and learn what inspires and drives him.

Visit my studio and experience the magic of art up close. You will be amazed by the creativity and passion and have an unforgettable experience.

I look forward to welcoming you to the studio!

Pictures from the studio

Not only the motifs on the canvas are original, but also the acrylic painting itself can become an eye-catcher in an unusual form. A multi-part acrylic painting is unique and individually convertible. These modern works of art give pleasure to both the artist and the viewer. You are welcome to view all works in my studio in Erfurt.

Unique works of art

With oil paints hand-painted works of art are valuable unique specimens that do not exist a second time. If you buy one of my artworks provided with my signature, you will receive a unique painting. All canvases are provided with a varnish after the conversion, which gives the images a higher brilliance. Each acrylic painting retains its depth of color and is long as sublime as the first day, because the colors are UV-resistant. An acrylic painting from my studio in principle does not require a separate frame, because each canvas painting is also painted on the sides and thus already the covered stretcher wonderfully replaces any picture frame. If desired, I frame your painting with a suitable frame.

Order your painting conveniently online

Buying a painting online has never been easier than with As the most famous commission painter in Germany, I offer a huge selection of exceptional canvas paintings that you can order online with just a few clicks. Whether modern paintings in the size of 20×30 inch, square in 40×40 inch or extra large in 100×200 inch, I have the right sizes for you on offer. Browse at your leisure through my online gallery and discover the right canvas painting with your favorite motif, from an abstract painting to landscapes to a romantic spring dream or minimalist artwork. If you want a successful contrast with your colorful walls, it is best to choose a painting in plain colors.

Bright acrylic paintings

A colorful canvas painting will look its best on a white wall and will bring power to the room. If you have decided on an acrylic painting, put it in your shopping cart with one click or let me make it as an individual commission painting. At checkout, you can choose your preferred payment method, such as credit card, prepayment or invoice. Then I paint your desired canvas picture. Securely packed in bubble wrap and cardboard, ready stretched and ready to hang, your new canvas painting will arrive in a few business days.

New inspirations directly from the studio

Follow me for all my latest projects, painting & commissioned paintings on Instagram:

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